Simplify procedures with FIT SA, a comprehensive self-adhesive flowable restorative with bioactive Giomer Technology* inside. FIT SA KIDS - has eliminated the need for the technique sensitive bonding procedure. FIT SA KIDS - offers superior strength and polishability, and the unique filler structure combines the Light transmission and diffusion properties of enamel and dentin to blend well with the surrounding dentition.
Ideal handling for precision placement
High bond strength for reliable adhesion
Release and recharge of 6 beneficial ions*
Indicated for liner, small Class I (PRR), Class III and V
Great for all patients especially geriatric and pediatric
Available in two viscosities, low FLOW (F03) and high
FLOW (F10)
*Bioacitve Giomer Technology contains: Fluoride, Strontium, Natrium/Sodium, Aluminum, Silicate, Borate. 8-year independent clinical study recorded 100% retention rate, no secondary caries, failures, or post-operative sensitivity.