RENFERT - Geo Avantgarde Universal-Opaque-Grey-75gr- #495-0200 #4950200 ( EX 4920200)

RENFERT -  Geo Avantgarde Universal-Opaque-Grey-75gr- #495-0200 #4950200 ( EX 4920200)
SKU: 023-495-0200 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 5 DAYS
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Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
Geo Avantgarde
Diagnostic Color wax

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RENFERT GEO Avant-garde Universal-Opaque-Grey-75gr

# 023-495-0200 - Mfg # 4950200

Function & Performance
There are special requirements when using the electrical wax up method. These are fulfilled by GEO Avantgarde WAXES. The ideal modeling characteristics are maintained and provide precise results.

Owing to their different qualities GEO Avant-garde modelling WAXES cover both Sets of requirements.

* Excellent flow properties for quick waxing of the exterior TOOTH shape.
* Low setting contraction due to the low melting point.

Key functions
* Ideally suited for gentle processing with electric wax-up units
* The high degree of opacity means max. Contour definition and control

PictureProductCOLORProduct featureProduct typeArticle numberWishlist
GEO Classic Basic SetGEO Classic Basic SetCervical wax, Modeling wax4930004
GEO Classic, beige-opaqueGEO Classic, beige-OpaquebeigeOpaqueModeling wax4970100
GEO Classic, grey-opaqueGEO Classic, grey-OpaquegrayOpaqueModeling wax4970200
GEO Classic, mint-opaqueGEO Classic, mint-OpaquemintOpaqueModeling wax4970300
GEO Classic, blue-transparentGEO Classic, blue-transparentbluetransparentModeling wax4971200
GEO Classic, mint-transparentGEO Classic, mint-transparentminttransparentModeling wax4971300
GEO Classic Avantgarde, beige-opaqueGEO Classic Avantgarde, beige-OpaquebeigeOpaqueModeling wax4950100
GEO Classic Avantgarde, grey-opaqueGEO Classic Avantgarde, grey-OpaquegrayOpaqueModeling wax4950200
GEO Classic Avantgarde, mint-opaqueGEO Classic Avantgarde, mint-OpaquemintOpaqueModeling wax4950300
GEO Classic Natural, dentine-opaqueGEO Classic Natural, dentine-OpaquedentinOpaqueModeling wax4990300
GEO Classic Natural, dentin-transparentGEO Classic Natural, dentin-transparentdentintransparentModeling wax4990400
GEO Classic Snow-white, white-opaqueGEO Classic Snow-white, white-OpaquewhiteOpaqueModeling wax4990101
GEO Classic Snow-white, white-transparentGEO Classic Snow-white, white-transparentwhitetransparentModeling wax4990201
GEO Classic Cervical wax, bordeaux-transparentGEO Classic Cervical wax, bordeaux-transparentburgundytransparentCervical wax4861000
GEO Classic Cervical and undercut wax, red-transparentGEO Classic Cervical and undercut wax, red-transparentredtransparentCervical wax4891000
GEO Classic Milling wax, blue-opaqueGEO Classic Milling wax, blue-OpaqueblueOpaqueMilling wax4851000
3-YEAR WARRANTY All RENFERT Laboratory devices have a three year guarantee. * If at some point something does not function, you still have the comforting assurance that RENFERT will find a solution to the problem under the guarantee.

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